HUT X-Factor Power-Up Start Pack (Instant).HUT X-Factor Player Choice Pack (1 of 18).Preorder the NHL 23 X-Factor edition, and you’ll get all the above content plus a few more goodies: Be A Pro X-Factor Shot Unlocks (2), XP Boost, and Bonus Trait Points.Signed Sarah Nurse World of Chel Jersey (Digital).5 World of Chel X-Factor Zone Ability Unlocks (Instant).
X-Factor Women HUT Choice Pack (1 of 4).Preorder the NHL 23 standard edition, and you’ll get quite a bit of bonus content. Here's a closer look at NHL 23 preorders and all the bonus content you'll get for reserving an early copy. Two versions of the game are now up for preorder, each with a slew of exclusive bonuses. Hockey fans who game on PC will be left out of the fun once again, although this time around both PlayStation and Xbox users will be able to play against each other-thanks to the inclusion of cross-play. NHL 23 is looking to bring some big changes to the franchise when the puck drops on October 14.